
For this assignment, we had to use illustrator to create a logo for ourselves. This is something that I have been toying with for a while, as in today's marketing landscape, having your own personal brand is becoming increasingly important. This assignment was really fun. I love making logos for different things, or updating logos of current things like sports teams. For this particular piece, we had to make three colored versions of our logo. 

I started the project with a black and white logo, which utilized a B for my name, and three feathers coming off it which I took inspiration from the Goodyear logo, which is the foot with wings. The wings were also used because I play lacrosse, and the sport was create by Native Americans, and eagle feathers are important in their culture. Originally, I had an original lacrosse stick underneath the B, however when we zoomed out on it, you couldn't make out the stick, so I decided against it.

When it came to choosing the colors for each version, I stuck mainly with the color red. Red was a name I was called as a kid, and is something that my great grandfather was called, who was really important to me growing up. For each of my logos, I used red and black, however used them in different variations. I thought that changing around variations of the colors of the wings was a smart way to put variation between each of the logos, while still holding that important red color.

What makes my project successful is that my logos are easily recognizable, and simple. I think that in today's world, a complex logo is not very appealing, and something that is easily identifiable and simple is more memorable than something very intricate that you have to look at very closely.


  1. I like the choice and color, it reminds me of a lot of brands but is also original and distinguishable. My favorite is the bottom left – I think it uses the colors the best. Good job!


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