The internet is a global network of devices (formerly just computers, however phones and tablets have become a part of it too). The internet provides users the ability to access information and communicate with others. The internet was initially used in the 1960s by government researchers, with the intent being to share information. According to the internet was born in 1983, when a standard way to communicate between computers was developed. The internet was an idea that had been kicked around for a long time, however it wasn't until the 1970s, when Robert Kahn and Vinton Cerf developed TCP/IP, which was the communications model for how data was transmitted. Today the internet is used for much more than just data sharing. While we do use it to share information, we also use it for social media, music, school work, communication and gaming.

World Wide Web is an information retrieval service. It was created in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee, and it was made available to the public in 1992. It was originally developed to share information between universities around the world. Today, we use WWW to do many things. More than just sharing information, we use it for social media, blogging, and sharing video. 

The internet and WWW are different. The internet is a global network that is used by many people to connect. The network is what the WWW operates on. The WWW is an information retrieval service, which consists of pages and links. Without the internet the WWW will not be able to retrieve information, because it needs to be connected to the network in order to do so.

The first website was created in 1991 by Tim Berners-Lee. The site is still up, and it is called The WorldWideWeb Project. The link to the site is

Hedy Lamar was an Austrian actress. While she was an actress, she was also very intelligent, and was an inventor. she developed a communication system that used frequency hopping, and patented her invention, which was the precursor to WiFi and Bluetooth.

Bluetooth was created by Jaap Haartsen, in 1994. The name bluetooth came from king Harald "Bluetooth" Gormsson, who had a dark blue/dead tooth. The name Bluetooth was chosen because the king united Scandinavia, just like Bluetooth aimed to unite the PC industry. The logo is a combination of the King's initials using Futhark runes.

WiFi was created by Vic Hayes (the chairman of the IEEE, which was the committee what created the 802.11 standard). The 802.11 standards was a radio frequency used for broadcasting a WiFi signal. The term WiFi was created by a marketing firm in 1999, because they wanted to generate a name that sounded user-friendly, opposed rot 802.11.



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