Caligram: Letter to Myself
Dear Ben, It’s been a long time since writing this. Hopefully now you have found something that you love to do. As of right now, you are stressed. Stressed about all that is to come, and all that could go wrong. Though people tell you that it doesn’t matter and focus on now, it’s a lot easier said than done. But hopefully, it has all gone well. I hope that you have accomplished all you wanted to at this point, and have truly gotten out of your comfort zone. I hope that you have made mistakes. I hope you failed, time and time again, to make you stronger, and smarter than you would have been if you never failed. Most of all, I hope you are happy. I hope you are happy with your job, family, hobbies and self. I hope that you see the world with bright eyes, and not with a dark cloud, and that you have found some form of peace. As of now, times are stressful. I am gearing up for my first taste of the real world, and believe me it is nerve racking. I am trying t...